Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is Retailing for You?

Before deciding on the kind of carrer you wish to pursue, you owe it to yourself to examine both the advantages and the disadvanteges of retailing career.

At any one time, the outlook for gainful employment in retailing is certainly bright. Retail organizations are located everywhere and numerous job openings are available. there is also astonishing variety of retailing environments from which to choose. There are many department stores eg, Metro, Harvey Nichols, Sogo, Matahari, Cahaya, Ramayana are some examples. There are discount stores, home improvement chains and franchise operations. There are direct selling organizations, mail order house, and other nonstore retailers. There is also huge and still-expanding realm of service retailing with its own, nearly unlimited, diverse environments.

Oppurtunity for advancement are excellent. For capable performers who learn quickly and work hard, promotion into higher managment ranks can be rapid.
Many people thoroughly enjoy retail work. It gives them the oppurtunity meet other people-employee as well as customers-of many differents type

The disadvantages involved in retailing positions,
Store hours, store retailers must arrange their store hours to suit the consumers needs. Weekend are busy shopping times and Public Holiday is time to get sales

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Retail Fashion

In the Fashion & Retail Industry, you'll learn how to develop, analyze, and implement sales strategies. Buying and merchandising practices are explored. Deal with inventory control and cost analysis skills are honed. And You will learn more about the many avenues open to you in this exciting field: buying, coordinating runway shows, sales consultation, manufacturer's rep, and more. Department stores, boutiques, and designer showrooms are the environments in which you will be part of the changing face of fashion, from season to season. This is about my experience work as Retail executive for several High End Brands in Jakarta.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Early work as a Beauty Advisor

Working in the Retail Fashion Industry is not a dream or my goal. Initial ideals I was working as a Graduate International Law Division, but my career took me to pursue the retail sector particularly in Jakarta Fashion Retail.

Starting from full-time job to fill in spare time after hours of the morning lectures at the Faculty of English Literature UKI Jakarta, I tried to apply to work at a cosmetics company that is renowned in Jakarta, Ultima II, armed with a diploma course from early beauty salon - which is owned beauty school by my mother. Good luck with me at that moment because I immediately accepted to work there as a Beauty Advisor and immediately placed in Keris Gallery.

During my 1st year at Keris Gallery placed with more work on the 3rd shift and go home after closing shop ... Soon I was on the move assigned Matahari Department Store in Ratu Plaza, with a particular task at that time to make expatriate customer data base, This may be because of my English literature courses in the office hence gives a rather heavy task. After 5 month at Matahari Ratu Plaza rolling back exposed to Hayam Wuruk Plaza loss placed on cosmetics, I forgot the name of cosmetic shop, then to the Matahari Department store again at Pasar Baru.

Working as a Beauty Advisor undergone many things said, associated with the customer directly, providing beauty advises to the buyer, for the latest Ultima II. I am also related to the Store Manager or Floor Supervisor where I placed.

Approximately 2thn in Ultima II I have another company look at me as a supervisor Cosmetics & Perfume. A new opportunity is always ogled by Beauty Advisor pursue a higher level.

Not too long I worked as a supervisor of a company big enough cosmetics, I've got an offer to work for the same company with a world very different from my work that I have struggled over the last 2 years.
I re-offered to work in a club executive at Jl. Jend. Sudirman, in this club I am as a Marketing offering product the facilities of the Club is a glance at the Bankers

New and exciting experiences, the workplace a more bonafide, in storied building, offering ownership of the club to the bureaucrats are the true experience is new. In this Club I met a lot of owners or the President Director of Bank in Jakarta, I and the group must make an appointment to meet them in order to present the club facilities, at the moment - is bonafide and very expensive.

And even more interesting work in this company at the time when we managed to get a member of the marketing we can get a commission in the U.S. dollar ... said it - and ultimately the commission for a 1-year work could be my pocket money at the time worked for the first time in Singapore as a retail executive Moschino Boutique Indonesia ...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Training and Development

Training is vital phase of human resources management. New employees require initial training so that they may quickly become familiar with their jobs and with company policy. Salespeople need to know the merchandise, prices, company systems and procedures, what the clientele is like.

Workers can profit by Follow up training to reinforce their skills. Further along the way, they may be exposed to Development training that contributes to on the job growth. Finally management development program enable them to reach their fullest potential. Good training is essential in organizations of any size. In fact the smaller the company, the greater the potential effect of the interaction between the firm’s salespeople and its customers.

Managing Retail employee

Manager direct and coordinate the activities that need to be performed in an organization. Planning, organizing, directing and controlling are the four basic managerial functions.

Managers must leads. Leaders are not born, they are made. Leadership itself its both a process and a set of skills. As a process, leadership is situationally based. The leader, the memmber of the group, and the individual situation all influence the outcome.

Employee motivation and the improvement of productivity are essential elements in modern retail managment. The morale and contributions of workers are affected by many aspects of the business. To are mention a fe, there are the working condition, basic pay plan, company policies, and other supplementary financial benefits, supervisons and non financial rewards.

The conduct of the supervisor directly influences job satisfaction and morale> Today's retailers emphasize better and more advanced training for supervisor.

A career in the Fashion retail industry

Retail is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today. Perhaps you are interested in working in a traditional shop environment or maybe your interests lie in the "backstage" activities. By understanding the array of options available in the retail industry, you can plan how to make the most of your future career.
The retail chain Retailing combines a variety of roles. You could be involved in one of many stages or activities in the retailing process. We all make purchasing decisions almost every day of our lives, but we only tend to consider the product and not the processes it has been through. Take something as simple as a pair of jeans.

Getting these to the store shelf involves a diverse range of activities like:

Buying• Merchandising• Design• Distribution• Marketing• Finance• Logistics• Purchasing• Information Systems• Human Resources and Training

Retail is an exciting industry. It will offer you daily challenges, intellectual stimulus, levels of responsibility that in some industries would take years to acquire, professional qualifications, change and fun. In return for your talent and flair, the retail industry will provide challenging careers and a wealth of opportunities. Your career may incorporate aspects such as job shadowing, networking, mentoring and professional training. All of this will be coupled with an attractive reward package.

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